De boerenprotesten in Nederland van de afgelopen maanden hebben de aandacht gevestigd op een groot probleem binnen de Europese agrarische sector, namelijk de beruchte stikstofakkoorden.
Message to Dutch, Flemish and other farmers: the World Economic Forum, the Basel billionaires, king Charles, the London banks, and NATO, want to do to the world what their forebears did to India, - now Russia, China and India stand in the way. If the history of British rule in India were to be condensed to a single fact, it is this: there was no increase in India’s per-capita income from 1757 to 1947. If they have their way with their nitrogen hysterics, our farmers will become peasants and slaves.
Message to Dutch, Flemish and other farmers: the World Economic Forum, the Basel billionaires, king Charles, the London banks, and NATO, want to do to the world what their forebears did to India, - now Russia, China and India stand in the way. If the history of British rule in India were to be condensed to a single fact, it is this: there was no increase in India’s per-capita income from 1757 to 1947. If they have their way with their nitrogen hysterics, our farmers will become peasants and slaves.
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